Monday, June 7, 2010

Part 1

First of all, somehow a rumor got started that I flew first class over here. I vehemetly deny these claims. I spent the night on a bench in JFK and flew 15 hours economy from New York to Johannesburg. Its a backpacking trip, Im keeping it real!

Ok, now that I dispelled that rumor, let's get to what's been going on here. I was the first one to arrive on Friday, and was graciously picked up at the airport by Bonnie, a friend from JMU. Little did she know that I would ruin her afternoon when I left my phone in her car, causing a scare that I wouldn't be able to make it from the part of the city I was dropped off on to the airport. Naturally, I hitched a ride from an American that I met in a Fish N Chips shop and everything worked out. Meanwhile in her concern for my wellbeing she was off driving around Newtown, Johannesburg asking cops and locals to be on the lookout for a white guy in a red hat. Sorry Bonnie, I appreciate everything!!!

So at the airport I met up with Sid. Due to a delay, the other two didn't get in until 230am. So Sid and I caught 4 hours of sleep at Bonnie's, met the other two at the airport, and set off on a 7 hour journey to Mozambique. It was a beautiful ride, and didnt take too long adjusting to the left-side driving. The border crossing was unnecessarily stressful, but went fine.

For the past 3 days we've been based in Maputo, capital city of Mozambique. The highlight of the trip thus far has been spending the day on Portuguese and Inhaca islands in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Mozambique. I don't think I've ever been to such a remote location. Portuguese island was beautiful. We were 4 of 6 people on the entire island. We've had lots of good seafood thus far, topped off with some delicious lobster and prawns made to order at the seafood market.

Tomorrow we head off to the safari. While some will question my strategies going in, Im confident that my techniques will prevail. We will let you know...


  1. Ken - inform your compatriots that the Immodium orves you are truly wise beyond your years, even if they think you are a wuss. Really enjoying reading the notes from all of you. I assume you have a gide for this safari and not just a Rand McNally Safari Map...

  2. That's it, I'm now officially jealous!!!
    Good luck with your diary on the safari where you can't blog!;-)

  3. The usual absent minded Kenny. What are you gonna do without me Bania? Poor Bonnie...
