Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Bet

The Germany-Australia match was incredible. The Durban stadium is gorgeous, and we lucked out by getting one of the more entertaining matches thus far. Germany put on a clinic, and look to be a favorite. Now its off to Spain - Switzerland. Very pumped.

But before I head out, let me inform you all about "The Bet"...

Background: John and I haven't shaved in quite a while.
Story: We were at Buccaneer's - the Ragtime of Durban - last night watching Brazil v North Korea. 35 minutes into the game (tied 0-0) John makes a statement that Brazil will end up winning 3 or 4 to nothing. I said, ok, I'll put the over/under on Brazil's goals. Gentleman's bet. Well John, never one to be accused of being a gentleman, decided that wasn't enough. He came up with the idea that if Brazil hit the over, I would have to keep only a mustache for the rest of the trip, and post a picture of it as my Facebook profile picture for two weeks. If it was under, then John would have to do so. The over/under: 2.5. It was a stressful second half, but in the end the North Korean backline, nicknamed the "DMZ" by me, held on and only gave up 2 goals. So, I am now typing next to a guy with the weakest trash stache you've ever seen. Its hysterical. Look forward to the Facebook profile pic!!

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